These compounds are not magic, they are simply the result of many years of robust research. The compounds come from common edible plants, where they are found in tiny quantities. We produce them sustainably through precision fermentation. The products are tasteless and stable, so they can be taken as stand-alone supplements (e.g pills) or mixed in foods. We are working with foodcompanies to add our bioavailable iron directly into their food products.
Good for our health and our planet
Our product will not only improve the health of millions of people who suffer from iron deficiency but it will also contribute to equality between women and men. It will offer better opportunities of intellectual development to children.
The climate crisis is also a food crisis. We will be forced to eat less meat and many people are already now seeking a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. But a diet without meat often has to be complemented with iron supplements, and here Ironic iron has another important role to play.